
Transformational Walking Adventures

"Get on Trek!"

Emerge, offers a transformational opportunity for emerging young adults seeking to expand their understanding of their unique selves and how they might offer their Core Gift to the world. Andrew Bryan has facilitated and guided some thirty eight 10-day International Walking Treks since 2011. These adventures provide participants opportunities for guided reflection and small group personal development and growth. Throughout their time on trek, emerging adults develop a personal statement of their "Core Gift" and explore how they can purposefully apply their talents, interests and passions to their future. An Emerge participant comes away from their trek experience with specific ideas for next steps in their lives based on offering their Core Gift and an increased sense of confidence and purpose by articulating and exploring how they can engage with the world around them.

Participants identify and articulate their skills, talents, influences and passages leading to the discovery of who they are essentially, and what they have to offer others through the crafting of their powerful Core Gift statement and an ongoing process which informs and motivates them to reflect, evolve and move forward.

The 10-day trek is often utilized by trekkers as a launching pad for their Gap Year. We work with individuals before their trek experience and afterward to plan, orchestrate and then implement Gap Year commitments, whether program oriented or self-guided. Both Andrew Bryan and Kylie Peters, through Emerge, remain intricately involved in each stage of this vital year of self exploration and growth.

A great description of our work: “Emerge offers a transformational opportunity to young adults seeking to expand their understanding of their unique gifts. We use 10-day walking treks in the United Kingdom and throughout Europe as our vehicle for guided personal reflection and small group work. Throughout their time on trek young adults articulate their "Core Gift" and begin exploring how they can purposefully apply these passions, interests and talents to their future with a strong aim toward purpose. An Emerge participant comes out of their trek experience with specific ideas for next steps in their lives and an increased sense of confidence and purpose.”

Adult Pilgrimages

Visit our Adult Pilgrimages page for additional opportunities to "walk" with Emerging Young Adults this coming year!